Sofia is a happy mother of two kids, health and fitness expert and blogger. She’s here to share her knowledge and motive other women change their lives.

3 Things Everyone Knows About Beauty That You Don’t

There are thousands of articles talking about a plethora of beauty secrets that have been hidden to you all your life. Not all of them deserve your time.

The beauty market is full of frauds and false commitments that have been overlooked by the society from a long time. So, it is important to get your information from credible sources only.

Forget about what you have known till date. Let me tell you some secrets that fashionistas like you already know.

Online steals

Have you ever seen ads for throwaway prices for beauty products online? Almost all of us have clicked on those ads, expecting to get the products of our choice at low prices. Most of these promotions are hoax but the prices are so cheap that it is difficult to keep your eyes off their deals.

These products are mostly duplicates which are purchased from the black market. As the production is not based on industry standards, the products do have harmful chemicals and several non-permitted mixtures are used in their production.

You will find counterfeits for almost all the biggest brands of the world. Most of the time, the imitation game is so good that even a seasoned user easily gets fooled. Do not take chances with your skin. Don’t fall prey to these promotions and buy only credible and genuine products from the market.

The truth about ageing

You might be shocked to know that only the anti-ageing industry is worth over $150 billion. The entire industry is running on just one myth- it is possible to never grow old. The truth is that ageing is inevitable. No beauty product can turn the clock and make you look 17 again.

There are several products that guarantee to reverse the ageing process but are nothing more than a clever (and dubious) marketing strategy. The media has tapped into the insecurities of women worldwide pressurising them to buy products of no value.

Getting old is a natural process and we CAN look beautiful if we embrace it with grace. Stop using the word age as an equivalent of beauty now. Stay natural, look beautiful and appreciation will follow.

Hypoallergenic products

Hypoallergenic products are the newest fads in the beauty industry and people are readily falling for it as well. Most of these products are not able to live up to the hype. There are barely any hypoallergenic products in the market. It is just a marketing fad.

Most beauty products contain paraben which are categorized as allergens. Even if a company tells you that a product is paraben free, it could still contain some parabens or other kind of allergens that will eventually cause problems.

Where do you think the never-ending fragrance of a product comes from? Most products that claim to be fragrance free contain at least some kind of fragrance.

Sometimes these allergens can lead to chronic situations like skin discoloration, collagen breakdown, and redness. It can further lead to premature ageing of the skin.

Stop taking chances with your skin. Learn the secrets of the beauty industry and keep yourself safe, healthy and glowing always.